is an independent publication launched in May 2023 by elsewares, llc. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website and subscriber-only posts. Even better - subscribers are on permanent AMA - ask, and you'll see a post about it, guaranteed. Your subscription makes this site and my coffee habit possible. Thank you!

About elsewares

'Elseware' is defined by Urban Dictionary as "the software you're using or writing while you're supposed to be doing something else". I had no idea that was a thing in 2009 when I first came up with the name for a web development company that consisted mainly of my Linux laptop on my dining room table. As a stay-at-home dad with a newborn, I was hoping to generate some income during naptime and after bedtime.

14 years, a stock market crash, and two pandemics later, stays alive and kicking.

About scoundrel.js

This site and the content on it is about distilling the wisdom (or lack thereof) I've accumulated over the years. It's also about sharing the next chapter in the saga and making connections. I will never be the next Zuckerberg, but maybe it really was about the friends and connections I made along the way.

Start your own thing

Enjoying the experience? Get started for free and set up your very own subscription business using Ghost, the same platform that powers this website. If you're feeling particularly plucky, you can hire me to set it up and customize the crap out of it for you.